Custom Orders

Custom Orders

All customs must be paid in full before the order is made.

Please allow 10 to 14 days for custom orders to be made and shipped out.

Please refer to the scent list and blends list on the website for your order. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me by email or instant message. You can also choose to make your own blend. If you do choose to make your own blend there is a maximum of 4 single scents per blend.

Please leave your scent choices in the notes section at checkout. If you have any questions please feel free to message me or send an email to

Custom orders are available in:

2 Pack of Wave Bars – the weight of each is 3 oz and you will receive 2 bars in your custom scent

Mini Loaf - the weight is 6 oz

Snap Bars -(2 pk - both are the same scent) 1.7 oz each

3 Pack Clamshells  (all the same scent) 2.7 oz each clamshell

Brittle Bar - the weight is 6.0 - 6.3 oz

Stash Pack - the weight is 7.6 - 8 oz per bag

Wickless Candle - the weight is 6 oz per tin

Perfumes -  30 ml bottle

FREE shipping on orders over $50.00.

 I do my best to get orders made and sent out as quickly as possible.  If I do not have the oils in stock for your custom I will contact you right away and get those oils as quickly as I can.